Gadgets Technology

Working with a Sony Head-mounted Display

A Mixi engineer recently bought a HMZ-T1 (Sony), possibly the best Head-mounted Display in the market. But instead of using it to play video games or watch movies he is trying to use it to work. One of the advantages is that you can work in any position!

Head mount display by Sony
Morimoto working. One of the things he does it to edit code with Emacs.

Head mount display
Morimoto uses glasses, so in order to be able to use them with the HMZ-T1 he had to do this little hack.

The problem is how heavy the gadget is, it seems that after working for a while horizontally your forehead will look like this:

Head mount display

This time the solution was more complicated than solving the glasses problem. He decided to work again in a vertical position and set up a device that supported the head-mounted display so that the head didn’t have to hold all the weight:

Head mount display by Sony

Head mount display

I feel like I want to try this Sony gadget to see how it is, it reminds me of the Nikon up300 and I guess it is much better. The Nikon head mount display had only one display and when I tried it I remember that it made me sick.

I can see the future

More photos and information in the blog of engineers.