
Prison Break Ramen

One of my favorite ramen restaurant in Shijuku is Kamukura (exact location in Google Maps). The other day, at the entrance of the restaurant, I bumped into this photo of Wentworth Miller, the actor that plays Michael Scofield in Prison Break. I asked one of the cooks about it and he told me that Wentworth Miller had just been eating ramen in the restaurant the day before. I wonder if after being for so long on the run he finally ended up in Japan… πŸ˜‰

Prison Break

Prison Break

4 replies on “Prison Break Ramen”

Hmmm… maybe promoting the Prison Break finale? Other than that, he’s filiming the next Resident Evil movie. I’m still not sure what the connection is with japan. Maybe he does live there now…

Did you mean Shibuya, not shinjuku? There is a ramen resturant in shibuya near book off and mandarake that has the exact same poster outside it!

Maybe its a chain place and theyre saying he’s eaten there, so all the branches have the same poster!

i’ve seen the same picture in August in a ramen store near shibuya’s star buck… so i think that maybe that guy have been one time in a store and they use the picture from now to eternity πŸ˜‰

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