
Wealth inequality in Japan

The Gini index shows us that Japan is one of the countries with less wealth inequality in the world. Gini, is a ratio between the income from high classes and the income from low classes. It shows how big is the difference from rich to poor people, how well richness is shared among the country citizens. If Gini coefficient is 1 it indicates perfect inequality, if Gini is 0 it indicates perfect equality.

At this map you can see countries with Gini near 0 in dark green and as the countries become red their Gini coefficient approaches to 1.

Picture from wikipedia

At this other picture, near the bottom means more equality. For example, look at Hong Kong that is very near from the top, a place with many millionaires living near many poor Chinese people.

Detailed explanation

Japan, Sweden, Norway and Iceland are some of the countries with less inequality in the world. Japan was even more equal in the 70s and 80s, on those times homeless people were inexistent in Japanese territory. Lately, Japanese people are pretty worried because inequality is increasing, and also homeless people are.

Right now there are homeless, there is poor people… but its being more than two years living here and NEVER has anyone asked me for money while walking around Tokyo streets. Three weeks ago I was in Madrid, in it was just after five minutes since I went outside the airport when they asked me for money! In Japan, I even saw a homeless guy withdrawing some money with a credit card! It happens that many Japanese homeless have some money for food and other things but they don’t have enough for a rental. Most of them are retired people, receiving an insufficient pension. Japanese pension system is rotten, but that’s another history…

Japan is the second economy in the world but: Do you know any famous Japanese man or woman? No idea huuh? Me neither, I just searched in the Forbes list, and I found the first Japanese in the 129th position! He is the president of Softbank, and has a fortune of “only” 5.800 million dollars, that’s not a lot compared with American or Arab rich. “Japanese rich people are less rich than in those from other countries”.

On the other hand, in Japan nearly 1% of the population has a fortune of 1 million dollars or more. The third highest percentage after Luxembourg and Switzerland. Let’s improve the sentence I made before “Japanese rich people are less rich than in those from other countries but there are more rich people than in other places”.

In general I have the feeling that everything is pretty well shared in Japan compared with other countries, and money is not only for the big guys. The only thing that I don’t really like is the way the split the money: the older you are, the more money you earn, it doesn’t really matter if you are doing things well or not. But in other places it would be: the more friends you have in a company/organization the more money you earn.

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Autobell CM

CM from Autobell, a company that trades with used cars in Japan. WTF!

Found at Masahikosatoh



Katanas are a type of Japanese sword, but nowadays the term is internationally used to talk about all Japanese swords in general. They are considered as the best swords ever created, they have a curved shape and they are many different types and sizes.

Strictly talking a katana has around 70 cm, the longest ones are called tachi and were used by cavalry. The short versions are called wakizashi and kodachi, which are equivalent to our daggers. Samurais where equiped with a katana for the face to face fights and a short wakizashi to kill by surprise without being seen.

This is a katana forged 900 years ago by Sanjo Munechika, and is one of the oldest katanas in the National Museum (Ueno Station at Tokyo

It can be appreciated how dedicated, simple and well done were the Japanese tools on those times while at Europe we had huge and rough swords.

Nowadays katanas are created by some artists, people from the Mukansa clan seem to be the best. Two of the Musakansa family members are Living National Treasures selected by the Japanese Government.

If you wanna by a katana, you can find average katanas at some hidden shops at Asakusa (Tokyo). I took one video inside of one of those shops.

Next, some videos were the sharpness of the katana edge can be appreciated.

At this last video there is a little explanation about how katanas are made.