
One Week Of Vacation Closed Up Playing Video Games

DMM has launched a campaign in which the prize for the winner will be to be in a room for a week (and not allowed to go out). He will be given three meals per day and will be able to play any game in the DMM catalogue for free. It seems like the perfect prize for a hikkikomori.

If you would like to participate, here you can find the campaign website.




Youth Crime Decreases, Elderly Crime Increases

The Japanese government has published some data showing that the criminality of the population over 65 years old has surpassed the youth criminality in absolut numbers. Last year 23,000 were commited by people older than 65, while only 20,000 crimes were committed by people between 14 and 19. One of the most frequent crimes committed by old people is shoplifting at supermarkets. This is just another curious fact about the long-lived Japanese population.



Day Of The Sea – 海の日

Today we didn’t work here in Japan, we celebrated the day of the sea (Umi no hi 海の日). It is celebrated every year the third Monday of July since 1995. It is a national holiday that was created by the government to “thank the ocean and reflect on the importance of the sea to Japan as an island”. It usually falls at the end of the raining season, which is usually an ideal time to go to the beach.

Today I enjoyed the day at one of the beaches in Tokyo.
