
Shibuya rain

I love when it rains in Tokyo, it makes the city even more photogenic. It is difficult to walk around with a camera in one hand and hold an umbrella with the other one, but I always try to force myself to go out when it rains.

It is always fun and inspiring to go out shooting while it rains: the lighting changes everywhere with the humidity, neon sign reflections are everywhere, the mood in the air is different.




Tangible holograms

Researchers from Tokyo University just presented to the public their technology to create tangible holograms using lasers. Until now we were able to create holograms using similar techniques but they would burn the users skin if touched.

Reducing the laser pulse from femtoseconds to nanoseconds has been the key to achieve these first mini plasma tangible holograms that could constitute the base for a new generation of human-computer interaction devices.

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Via Yoursnew

Japanese Society

Tokyo’s GDP, the highest in the world

I like nerding out reading through wikipedia pages, I found this ranking of cities by GDP. Tokyo has the highest GDP, with a big difference over New York City in the second place and almost three times more than Los Angeles in the third place. Tokyo keeps amazing me even after being living here for more than ten years.
