Animals and pets

Cats expected to top dogs as most popular pet in Japan

Until now dogs where the most popular pet in Japan but the “Japan Pet Food Association” has announced that the dog population is decreasing and the cats are taking over.
If nothing changes there will be more cats than dogs by the end of 2015. Dogs and cats will population will total more than 20 million.

Meanwhile, human population in Japan keeps decreasing.


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Via Asahi

More about cats in Japan:


New 100 meters World Record for the 105 to 109 years old category

Hidekichi Miyazaki, born in Kyoto 105 years ago, run this weekend 100 meters in 42.22 seconds. With this time he set a new World Record for his category of elder between 105 and 109 years old. It was a bittersweet record since his objective was to finish the 100 meters sprint in 35 seconds. I guess we must not be fully satisfied in order to keep living 🙂

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Vía News on Japan


Bullet train arrives to Hokkaido

Japan Railways just announced that the connexion using the Seikan tunnel (53km long under the sea) with shinkansen bullet trains between Shin-Hakodate and Shin-Aomori will start operating next March. This will be the first time that the famous shinkansen bullet trains operates in the northern Japanese island. When the the rest of the currently under-construction sections are finished it will be posible to travel from Sapporo until Tokio in four hours by train. It will also be posible to move from Sapporo until Kagoshima, separated by more than 1500km using only bullet trains… but for this case it will still probably be much better to use planes 🙂

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Inauguration ceremony. Photo by


By 2020 we will be able to travel from Tokyo to Sapporo in four hours riding the bullet train




More information at JR website