
Otaku Camera by Tokyo Otaku Mode

Tomohide Kamei, one of my ex-colleagues, is now the CEO of Tokyo Otaku Mode. He has managed to build one of the most active otaku communities nowadays. Besides publishing otaku content on their Facebook page, where they already have 10 million “likes”, they are also starting to create their own apps using the same brand.

One of the apps they have developed and that I am currently using is Otaku Camera (iTunes App Store, free). It’s an app that turns your photos into manga! It is not the only app that can do it, but it’s free and it allows you to choose which photos you have taken you want to turn into manga. Other similar apps have many more limitations.

These are some of my first results. If you have tried the app you can link the photos you have taken in the comments.

Otaku Camera

Otaku Camera

Otaku Camera

Otaku Camera

Otaku Camera

Otaku Camera

Otaku Camera

Otaku Camera

Otaku Camera

Otaku Camera

The other day I visited the offices of Tokyo Otaku Mode and Kamei-san promised me some time for an interview. As soon as I can I will publish here his answers and some of his secrets that he used to have millions of Facebook followers in a matter of months!

Otaku Camera
Visiting Tokyo Otaku Mode offices with Kamei-san.