
Oldest hotel-company in the world

The Hoshi Ryokan (A traditional Japanese hotel) is the oldest hotel in the world since many years ago. It was not the oldest business in the World, it was the second oldest. But since Kongogumi was absorbed by another company, the Hoshi Ryokan became the oldest company in the world. The Hoshi Ryokan was founded in 717 and it has been operated by members of the same family for more than 46 generations!





One night in Hoshi Ryokan costs around 350 USD per person with breakfast and dinner included. They also offer activities like tea ceremony or guided tours around the area. The best thing they offer are the hot springs, known in Japan as onsen.

In Japanese onsen, usually girls and guys bath in different areas, but there some traditional onsen where everyone, men and women, baths in the same “pool” 😉 In the case of Hoshi Ryokan, there is an outdoor mixed bath area (露天風呂).



This is the Hoshi Ryokan outdoor bath area (露天風呂)

English website where you can find information about how to make reservations. Telephone: 81 761 65 1111, Email:

10 replies on “Oldest hotel-company in the world”

I just returned from there for the Holidys, this hotel is FANTASTIC!!! The “experience” alone is worth every cent…

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