
SuperNES signed by Shigeru Miyamoto

The author of this blog was lucky enough to meet Shigeru Miyamoto (The creator of Mario, Donkey Kong, The Legend of Zelda, Star Fox, F-Zero…) and he even got a signature from Miyamoto on his old SuperNES. He put the signed machine on Ebay and right now the price is over 1.500 dollars! ¿Anyone willing to pay more than 1.500 bucks for a SuperNES?

Shigeru Miyamoto

Shigeru Miyamoto Super Famicom


Video game guides

Many Japanese bookstores have some shelves filled with video game guides. There are huge guides, some of them have more than one volume! Those big ones explain even the most “stupid” detail about the game. There will be a day when you need to graduate from university in order to be able to finish a game.

Lately I’m playing Super Mario Galaxy (It’s great) and some various DS games recommended by Aitor, Danny Choo and Ale/Pepino. These are some pictures I took in a huge department store in Akihabara.

librosvideojuegos akihabara videogamebooks
Those are all video game books!

librosvideojuegos akihabara videogamebooks

librosvideojuegos akihabara videogamebooks

librosvideojuegos akihabara videogamebooks


Videogames market share evolution

Found at a really interesting video showing the video-game market share evolution during the last eleven years in Japan.

  • Blue: Sony Computer Entertainment
  • Red: Nintendo
  • Green: Microsoft
  • Purple: Sega
  • Yellow: Bandai

It’s astounding how Sega disappears at the begining and Sony conquers the pie and keeps the majority during many years. At the end Nintendo starts to re-conquer and ends up with more than 75% of the market!

This a similar version but with data from all the world and more years: