The creators of the chopsticks bra and the solar bra surprise us again with a new revolutionary concept that will change the world:
The creators of the chopsticks bra and the solar bra surprise us again with a new revolutionary concept that will change the world:
This machine can paint your nails for an euro and a half ($2) per nail. You introduce the money, select the desired design and you put you fingers two at a time. Fabulous! The problem is that it takes between four and five minutes to paint two nails, so if you want to paint all your nails it will take more than half an hour.
The machine was released to the market in 2002 but it seems that it hasn’t been really successful because the only place I have seen it online is in this 6 years old post.
The robot dinosaur Pleo, designed by one of the Furby creators, can often be seen lately around Tokyo but I have the feeling that it is not selling very well. Do you know if it’s popular in United States / Europe…?