
Pocket Wifi by Emobile

The latest gadget released to the Japanese market by Emobile looks great to me. It is a device that fits your pocket and connects to the Internet via HSDPA anywhere in the country at 7.2Mbps, without being plugged to any computer, and then generates a 802.11 Wi-Fi signal.
In other words, if you have the Pocket Wi-Fi by Emobile you will be able to surf the Internet with any Wi-Fi device you have. You can enjoy it for only 45 euros per month with a flat rate (no bandwidth restrictions are applied).

Pocket Wifi

Pocket Wifi
Explanation that shows how with the Pocket Wi-Fi you can connect to the Internet with any device.

Pocket Wifi

Pocket Wifi

Pocket Wifi


High Tech Crypt


Advertising Technology

Toshiba sends a chair into the stratosphere

To promote its new LCD televisions with LED retroillumination, Toshiba decided to send a chair to the highest altitude possible and record it. The chair was able to reach a 30 km altitude after an hour and half balloon trip until it broke down. The video was recorded using a 1920×1080 Toshiba camera and a 3,000 euro chair was specially designed for the mission by Artem.

The official commercial. Don’t miss the last seconds when the chair breaks down.

More details about the making-of.