
Japan will be the fourth economy by 2050

Joi Ito shows in his blog this chart that compares how much percentage represented each country to the world’s GDP in 2004 (the bar on the top) compared with how it’s expected to be in 2050 (the second bar). In 2004, the USA is 38.3% of world’s economy, and Japan it’s 15.4%. But, by 2050 it is expected that China will be the world’s number one economy with 24.1%, the United States will be second with 20.3%, India gets the bronze medal with 15.8% and Japan drops to the fourth position with only the 4% of world’s GDP.

Joi Ito got this from Oki Matsumoto (Keio University)

Joi Ito’s important conclusion is that Japan should stop to think they are the second biggest economy in the world. Japan should start to think more humble and concentrate in becoming a better country to live, being kinder with people/society and forget a little bit about companies. They should stop depending so much on the manufacture industry, promote more tourism and give incentives to increase immigration so they can “stop” the huge problem with the aging population. In 1992, Japan was 18% of world’s total GDP, you could say that Japan was a country with influence. But in 15~30 years all predictions give Japan around 4 and 6% of world’s GDP. That’s very low, Japanese won’t be able to show off any more. But, the best countries (happier people and no stress life), are not the biggest or the most powerful. Japan should look at those countries and learn.

Japanese Society

Falsehood, deceive – 偽

Every year Japanese choose a kanji character that represents the society feeling of the year that ends. The most voted character this year was 偽 (gi, nise), it means “falsehood, lie, deceive, pretend”.

The bit internal problem in Japan this year was the loss of more than 50 million records from the Japanese Social Security systems. That means that the government doesn’t know who has been paying or not. The government promised to recover all the data, so they would be able to know who can receive a pension. The those promises started to become lies, and Japanese society started to loose confidence. The former prime minister Shinzo Abe resigned and Jiminto(Liberal Democratic Party) lost the Sangiin elections. Those are the main reasons why this year the kanji of the year is 偽=Falsehood.

A monk writing 偽 (gi, nise). Picture from Mainichi

On 2005 and 2006the selected ones were 愛 (ai: love) y 命 (inochi: life). This year seems to be much more pessimistic than the previous ones.


Koban – 交番

“Koban” (交番) are police-boxes. There are many in Japan, and they are all pretty uniformly distributed, there are around 1.000 only in Tokyo. The purpose of this system is to have some police presence in many places, so people would feel safe. Koban are little and are easy to recognize because they usually have peculiar shapes.

I like koban because they always have an area map and a bored policeman who would help you to find your way if you are lost or you are looking for some specific place. The koban system is also used in Singapur and Brasil, countries that were helped/advised by the Japanese government.




One of the curiosities about koban is that many of them are empty and open at night!. You can free to go inside, look around an you can even use a telephone just in case you want to call the police! You can call the police from a police-box, isn’t it surrealistic?

Empy koban.

Table inside a Koban.

Computer inside the previous koban.