
Giant jellyfish video

Giant jellyfish are becoming one of the worst nightmares of the Japanese fishing industry. In this video they talk about the possibility that global warming could be one of the causes behind the huge increase of the giant jellyfish population in Japanese coasts.

Giant Jellyfish

Via Japanprobe, Reuters.

Read more about jellyfish in Japan.


Forbidden to bring ham or sausages from Europe

Last month I went to South Korea, and in Narita airport I bumped into this sign that says “Forbidden to bring ham or sausages from Europe”. Yes, it is forbidden; however this fact is unknown to most people.

Ham and sausages sign

Many foreigners that live in Japan, even knowing this fact, they still try to sneak in some sausages or ham vacuum packed. Being a Spaniard, I do it sometimes to bring the highly appreciated jamón serrano to Japan. However, I know that in the worst of the scenarios, my jamón could be even burnt at the airport. This happened to Zuco, who had his chorizo burnt at the customs.


Love Hotel Cosplay

In the Love Hotel in the pictures “costumes”/Cosplay are available to be worn by the girls. It is something offered by many love hotels, however I have never seen Cosplay being offered for boys. You have to pay an extra fee to be able to use these costumes, but on the other hand Wii and DVD Players are available for free in all the rooms. They also give you a free drink to your choice. Which costume would you choose for your girl? Bunny? Schoolgirl? Nurse? Maid? Secretary?

Love Hotel Cosplay

Love Hotel Cosplay
Free beer

Love Hotel Cosplay
A free drink