
Ramen Dreams

Ramen Dreams is a short documentary dedicated to ramen that has just been released. It follows the line of Jiro Dreams, the documentary film about sushi, but this time the main topic is ramen instead of sushi.

Keizo Shimamoto is the chef featured in Ramen Dreams and in addition to being a cook he also travels troughout Japan to eat ramen in different places. Legend has it that last year he ate in more than 600 different ramen restaurants! Almost 2 ramen dishes per day! (After eating ramen he tells the world about it through his blog)

Once again, another example of how passionate can Japanese people be about food!

The short documentary can be enjoyed in YouTube:

More info: Ramen Dreams.


Seaweed Shop

These are photos of a shop in Shibuya that only sells seaweed. All kinds of seaweed!

Seaweed Shop

Seaweed Shop

Seaweed Shop

One of the most well-known seaweed is nori, which is used to wrap maki-sushi. It is also eaten as a snack or along with steamed rice. When I arrived to Japan I didn’t like it that much but after some years here I am now an addict to nori.

Another seaweed that is very popular in Japan is kombu, used to flavor soups in Japan as well as in China and Korea. It is also used to make a kind of tea called kombucha.

Wakame is another seaweed usually used in soups (as for example in miso soup) and also in salads.

Mozuku is maybe the least known seaweed for foreigners and the one that people dislike the most. Most likely because it doesn’t look really tasty:

mozaku seaweed
Mozaku seaweed doesn’t look really good but it doesn’t taste that bad as an appetizer along with a refreshing drink.

The kinds of seaweed I have mentioned are the most used and well-known in Japan, however depending on the region you can find other kinds of seaweed which are used in regional cuisines, for example, in Okinawa one of the most used kinds of seaweed are sea grapes. Japanese people say that eating seaweed is healthy and it is specially good to keep your sking young.


Hamburger With 1050 Pieces of Bacon

There’s a promotion by Burger King Japan that gives customers the option to add 15 pieces of bacon to their Whopper for an extra 100 yen (around 1 euro / 1,25 dollars). The promotion “has become viral” and yesterday it was the main topic of conversation among my coworkers. Of course somebody had to test the limits of the promotion and ordered 1050 extra pieces of bacon. The amazing thing is that the bacon tower didn’t crumble down… Check out the video below! Quite disgusting! πŸ˜‰

Hamburger with bacon

Burguer with 1050 bacon strips
Advertising by Burguer King explaining the offer to add 15 extra bacon pieces for 100 yen.

Via Rocket news 24