
Steve Jobs Manga

The Kodansha magazine Kiss has started to publish a manga by the mangaka Mari Yamazaki based on the biography of Steve Jobs written by Walter Isaacson. If you haven’t read Isaacson’s book yet maybe reading it in manga form will be a more fun way to understand the life of Steve Jobs.

Steve Jobs Manga by Mari Yamazaki

Steve Jobs Manga

Steve Jobs Manga

Steve Jobs Manga

I think that Mari Yamazaki drawing style, known for her excellent work Thermae Romae, is perfect for a biographical manga. In the following video you can see how Mari Yamazaki draws the manga directly with her graphics tablet:

The first 17 pages of the Steve Jobs manga can be read for free at Yahoo Bookstore.


Early Sakura Blossom

The responsible to declare the start of the sakura blossom season in Tokyo announced it last Sunday, just after 11:00 a.m. when he counted how many flowers had bloomed in the representative cherry tree that is checked every year at Yasukuni temple.

The man counted six flowers and the meteorological agency pronounced the official opening of the sakura blossoms in the city. It’s been 50 years since the sakura hadn’t blossomed so early in Tokyo, as the first cherry tree flowers at Yasukuni temple are usually not seen until the last week of March. This early blossom has confused some people, which are used to the sakura season starting timely every year. It was strange that the sakura blossomed before the end of the winter.

If you have Easter holidays in your country and are visiting Japan you are lucky! For us living here in Tokyo we have to bring forward our hanami plans.

The other day I was walking around Nakameguro, one of the best places to take photos of Sakura in Tokyo and I took some photos with my Instagram:

Sakura bloom

Sakura bloom

Sakura bloom




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Ramen Dreams

Ramen Dreams is a short documentary dedicated to ramen that has just been released. It follows the line of Jiro Dreams, the documentary film about sushi, but this time the main topic is ramen instead of sushi.

Keizo Shimamoto is the chef featured in Ramen Dreams and in addition to being a cook he also travels troughout Japan to eat ramen in different places. Legend has it that last year he ate in more than 600 different ramen restaurants! Almost 2 ramen dishes per day! (After eating ramen he tells the world about it through his blog)

Once again, another example of how passionate can Japanese people be about food!

The short documentary can be enjoyed in YouTube:

More info: Ramen Dreams.