
Best Japan pictures, 2016 (Black and white)

And today the best pictures in black and white I captured here in Japan in 2016. Do you like more the color series from yesterday’s blogpost or the black and white series of today?

Do you take black and white pictures? Why? For me is a question of how I feel, sometimes I would feel like black and white and I take only b&w pictures for days and even weeks. Then my mood changes for some weird reason and I go back to color 🙂


Best Japan pictures, 2016 (Color)

I don’t like the feeling of time fading into eternity, that’s why use my camera to immortalize moments of it. These the pictures which I consider to be best ones I took here in Japan in 2016. I will divide them into two posts: this one with color photos and the next one that I will publish tomorrow with black and white photography.

I took all these using my Nikon D800 except the picture at the sushi restaurant, that one I captured it using my iPhone 5. At the end of this post I’m also sharing a video with some scenes of my life here in Tokyo, also shoot using iPhone5 and edited using iMovie.

If you want a high resolution version of any of the pictures you can download them from Flickr (Feel free to use them any way you want, even commercially, as long as you mention Hector Garcia-A Geek In Japan as the author of them)

Best photos of Japan from previous years:

JapanGuide Travel


Shirakawa-gō was the last very famous Japanese touristic spot that I hadn’t yet visited since I arrived to Japan in 2004. The main reason why I had not yet visited this UNESCO World Heritage is because the access to it is not easy.

During our trip to Gifu I decided that it was the perfect chance fulfil my dream of seeing this place. We used our rented car from Takayama and drove all the way to Shirakawa-gō. It was a very easy ride, it was almost all the one hour travel driving on highways with no traffic at all and going through 11km long tunnels!

Walking through the streets of Shirakawa-gō is as beautiful and idillic as it looks like in pictures. When we arrived at nine in the morning, we were almost the first to arrive and it felt like time traveling to an old Japanese village. After ten in the morning hordes of tourists invaded every corner of Shirakawa-gō. So, here is my little piece of advice: if you can, and if you like loneliness when contemplating something beautiful as I do, visit Shirakawa-gō as early as posible.