
First 8K Live Video Broadcast

NHK, the main Japanese TV network, and also a big corporation with research departments, was recently able to successfully broadcast 8K video on the air. To simply understand what it means to broadcast video in 8K, we can think of it as transimitting video with a quality “equivalent” to that of a 33.1 megapixel camera. The feat has been possible by using orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) imitating the techniques used by laptops to receive Wifi signals via 802.11.

As of now, it has only been a transmission test at a 27 km (17 miles) distance but NHK is already planning to broadcast the Tokyo 2020 Olympics in 8K.

Nhk 8K technology

Nhk 8K technology

Nhk 8K broadcast of Tokyo 2020 Olympics

Source: Impress


Drawing a Maze During 7 Years

The janitor of a Japanese university drew a maze with millimetric precision during seven years. His son published photos of the work of art on Twitter and they went viral. People liked it so much that his son put copies of his father’s maze on sale.





More about mazes: Salt labyrinths by Motoi Yamamoto.

Source: Viralnova


Snow Creativity

They say that the snow storms in Tokyo this year are the worst of the last decades. Not only the Kanto region, but almost all the country is covered by a white mantle of snow. It’s time to build snowmen!! But Japanese people are characterized by their creativity, and they just don’t build regular snowmen. The other day Hachiko woke up next to a snow clone:

Snow Creativity

Snow Creativity

Snow Creativity

Snow Creativity

Snow Creativity

Snow Creativity

Snow Creativity in Japan

Snow Creativity in Japan

Snow Creativity in Japan

Creative Japan Snow

Snow in Tokyo

Snow Creativity

Snow Creativity

Photos from Matome Naver

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