
Japan's Rainy Season – Tsuyu 梅雨

Tomorrow the rainy season officially starts in Tokyo (Kanto). This is how the weather prediction looks as of now for this week, rainy or cloudy everyday!:

Tsuyu, the rainy season in Japan

Tsuyu (梅雨) means “rainy season” in Japanese. The word tsuyu is composed by the characters 梅 (plum) and 雨 (rain). A literal translation by looking at the characters would be “season of plums and rain”. It turns out that the rainy season is also the plum ripening season. Tsuyu can also be written as 黴雨 which means “rainy season”, but notice that the first character instead of being 梅 (plum) is 黴 (mold). In this case the literal translation would be “season of mold and rain”.

Tsuyu, the rainy season in Japan

If you are studying Japanese, you should know that there’s an homophone word with the same pronunciation as tsuyu, the character 露. It has the same pronunciation, tsuyu, but in this case it means dew. As you can see, the Japanese language is full of homonymous words, which makes its learning more difficult.

The rainy season usually starts at the beginning of June and ends around the 3rd week of July, although some years it doesn’t end until early August. When asked about advice I tend to say that this is not a good time to travel to Japan. It rains virtually every day, although the rain is not very intense. It feels as if it was drizzling all day and being very hot at the same time. It is somewhat uncomfortable to travel but if you look on the bright side of it, the mystic atmosphere created by the rain adds a unique special touch to every experience. The rainy season is one of my favorite seasons to take photos!

Tsuyu in Japan

Rain in Japan

Rain in Japan


Surgical Masks Vending Machine

One of the things that people frequently ask me about when they arrive to Japan for the first time is the surgical masks that many Japanese people wear. One of the reasons why so many people wear this kind of masks on the streets is the kafunsho (pollen allergy), but people also use them when they are ill or when a PM2.5 pollution cloud arrives from China. Surgical masks are so important in Japan that there are even vending machines that dispense them.

Surgical masks vending machine

The products in the center are hand tissues and the products on the left are hokkairo. Hokkairo are small pads with chemicals that heat up during several hours when exposed to the oxygen in the air.

Other posts about vending machines in Japan:


Pocari Sweat Can Bound For The Moon

Pocari Sweat is one of the most popular soft drinks in Japan. In October 2015 a Pocari Sweat can will land on the Moon, thus becoming the first soft drink in history to do such thing. Otsuka, the bottling company of Pocari Sweat, has signed a contract with Space X to use one of its Falcon 9. It will be the first time that private companies are able to land on the moon without the help of any government.

Pocari Sweat on the moon