
Water bar

Last weekend I saw for the first time in my life a water bar, a place where the only thing you can order is water! Here are some pictures:

water ogo agua baragua omotesandohills omotesando oxigenwater oxigen

You can choose two types of water, the “red” one and the “blue” one. The Matrix?

water ogo agua baragua omotesandohills omotesando oxigenwater oxigen

water ogo agua baragua omotesandohills omotesando oxigenwater oxigen

water ogo agua baragua omotesandohills omotesando oxigenwater oxigen

water ogo agua baragua omotesandohills omotesando oxigenwater oxigen

It seems to be a company called Ogolife. Their business model is based on selling “water with lots of oxygen”. WTF! As they explain in their website, the water they offer us has 200mg of oxigen for each liter, 35 times more than normal water. They are trying to sell it as “good” for your health, but I don’t really understand why water with lots of oxigen is better than normal water. It seems stuff with oxygen is trendy nowadays, will we have vegetables with extra oxygen? oxygenated meat? oxygenated wine?


Tokyo size compared with Madrid and Barcelona

I usually try to explain how big Greater Tokyo area is to people who has never been here, but is not easy. It’s so huge that is difficult to imagine. You can travel by train from Kanagawa to Chiba crossing Tokyo’s downtown seeing only buildings/houses during more than two hours, kind of claustrophobic sometimes.

But the best way to compare sizes is to use Google maps. Next you can see a map matching more or less Tokyo’s area (Tokyo/Yokohama/Chiba/Saitama), Madrid’s area (From Alcobendas to Getafe), and Barcelona’s area. The two biggest cities in Spain compared with the biggest in Japan.

Map made by Locura Japón as a present for

Pretty impressive right? 5 million people are living in Madrid’s area, 2 million in Barcelona’s area and around 35 million in Tokyo’s area. When I go outside of Tokyo everything seems little and easy to me, for example I remember thinking that Hong Kong is a little city when I went there for holidays. Another example: Manhattan has the same size as Tokyo’s Setagaya-ku district.

Japanese cities are generally very wide because people likes to live in houses, not buildings. In Spain and other European countries everyone lives in buildings, so cities seem little. In the US there is a mix between the house and the building model, but they have lots of space. In Kanto’s area (The area where Tokyo is) there is no space left, you can see houses and buildings from the sea until the mountains, every single space is used. I’ve even seen 10 square meter rice fields at Tokyo’s north area, they use every single square meter for whatever they can.

Fortunately here in Japan, we have the best railway system in the world.


Maya Koizumi – 小泉麻耶

Maya Koizumi
Maya Koizumi posing for me ^^. Original resolution version.

Yes!, I took that picture ^^. Dannychoo(The Darth Vader guy) invited me to go with him to an Idol DVD release event. I had no idea where I was going, well… yes I did know I could take Japanese idol pictures like the ones I’m used to see at Danny’s Japanese Idol section, I was expecting to be able to take something like this.

It was my first time, it was a really weird/interesting/otaku/freak experience. Can you imagine a room filled with 100 Japanese guys (in their forties) with huge cameras and with a wide smile taking pictures to a 18 years old girl dressed with a bikini in the center of Tokyo? That’s it! I felt like… well, no comment.

Maya Koizumi
Original resolution version

In order to be able to take pictures you had to buy the lastest DVD from Maya Koizumi (小泉麻耶). A 18 years old gravure model, her blood type is A and is not yet very famous but seems to have potential (88cm 😉 ). If you want to know more about her, or become his fan she has a blog.

maya koizumi mayakoizumi japaneseidol idol sexy kawai girl japanesegirl kirainet beautiful cute
These are all Maya Koizumi DVDs. It’s her last DVD recorded in Guam island.

We bought the DVD, and got a random number that would determine our position in the room. I got number 24, not bad. But Danny got number 10, he had better views than me. Once we enter the room and sit down in our places we can’t take pictures, we just listen to Maya Koizumi talking about what food she likes, what is she going to do this summer, which mobile phone does she have and so on. After 30 mins of blahblahblah she changes her dress and comes back in bikini. Then is when we can start taking pictures… but wait! there are some rules, we are in Japan where everything is controlled by rules, rules and more rules. The rules are: groups of 10 people and each group has 60 seconds to take photos. The pictures you can see in this entry are the best ones I managed to take in 60 seconds. Danny Choo had 60 more seconds, check Danny’s perspective, and how Maya Koizumi looks like taken with a digital reflex camera.

Here are some more pictures I took.

maya koizumi mayakoizumi japaneseidol idol sexy kawai girl japanesegirl kirainet beautiful cute

maya koizumi mayakoizumi japaneseidol idol sexy kawai girl japanesegirl kirainet beautiful cute

maya koizumi mayakoizumi japaneseidol idol sexy kawai girl japanesegirl kirainet beautiful cute

maya koizumi mayakoizumi japaneseidol idol sexy kawai girl japanesegirl kirainet beautiful cute

After our glorious 60 seconds we got a handshake with her and a signed DVD cover. This is my signed DVD:

maya koizumi mayakoizumi japaneseidol idol sexy kawai girl japanesegirl kirainet beautiful cute

If you liked her you can continue watching this video I found at Otakuvids:

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