
Takahashi Meijin – 高橋名人

Takahashi Meijin – (高橋名人) is a Japanese video game legend. He is a guru working at “Hudson Soft” , a company where he is working since a long time ago.

Takahashi Meijin is famous for his fast trigger finger when playing video games, he can push a video game controller 16 times per second!. He is also famous because he is the main character in a video game called Takahashi Meijin no Bouken Jima (Takahashi Meijin’s adventure island). You don’t recognize that game right? Look at the next picture carefully:

Takahashi meijin

The t-shirt’s character is the protagonist of Adventure Island, and the guy wearing it is Takahashi Meijin, don’t they look like similar? 😉 The game’s Japanese name was Takahashi Meijin’s adventure island, but since Takahashi was not famous abroad it was decided to translate it as Adventure Island

His fame as a “gamer” reached its zenith when he played against Mouri Meijin in a special TV show. They played Star Soldier, but the best thing of the TV show was the beginning, it became a video game pop culture classic in Japan. Next you can watch the beginning of the show, it features the training that Takahashi Meijin y Mouri Meijin did before playing Star Soldier.

The most famous moment starts from the first minute, when Takahashi breaks a watermelon using his legendary finger movement.

Are you better than Takahashi, can you break a watermelon with your finger, can you do more than 16 pushes per second? You can try using this flash game, I managed to do around 100 in one minute. Next video shows Takahashi’s technique, look how fast he moves his finger! if you don’t look carefully you don’t even notice the movement.

If you like this Japanese heroe, you can check his personal blog or continue watching the Star Soldier game against Mouri Meijin.


Google magazines Vs Yahoo Japan magazines

Yahoo Japan is the number 1 search engine here in Japan. Google was pretty unknown until they released many localized services, for example Google Maps for Japan is really good and people is starting to use it. In Japan you can easily recognize when something is successful when it jumps to the “analog world”. In the old times there where many magazines about Yahoo, since last year there are also magazines about Google services and many books on sale.

Yahoo japan

Yahoo japan

By the way, yesterday I stopped by a bookstore and there were books about the iPhone! Is not even released in Japan and they are already trying to sell “Best tricks for your iPhone” kind of books.


Japanese Sleeping

Japanese have an special ability to fall asleep anywhere at anytime. Since I came to Japan I’m keeping a collection pictures showing Japanese people sleeping. Look at the first picture where four people in a row are sleeping! When I took this picture, almost everyone in my wagon was enjoying a siesta.















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