
The peace sign – The V sign

Why do Japanese do the “peace sign” when photographed? After asking many people like for example Dannychoo(Who talks today about the same thing), and reading many stuff; these are the “peace sign” reasons/origins from my point of view:

  • After the Second World War they copied the sign from the USA soldiers maybe because they thought it was cool. The soldiers were using it as a “V”ictory sign, but the Japanese were using it as a “peace sign”.
  • During the seventies it started being used when photographed because an American figure skater fell during the Sapporo Olympic games and was photographed/featured on different Japanese media where she was always doing the V sign. Japanese liked it and started imitating her.
  • During the last decade music groups like Morning Musume and other similar ones used the V sign a lot and started changing/morphing it in different ways, and people copied that too. Nowadays there are many V style signs, you can do it vertical, horizontal, near your eyes, near you mouth… Usually the same person makes his own V sign style and uses it always when he has to pose for a picture.
  • “Making your own V sign” is a trend that is extending to China and Korea



This is the Mourning Musume group, notice how each girl has her own V sign style. Some of them are not even V.

Otaku Society

Next Japanese prime minister is an otaku

Yesterday the Japanese prime minister resigned. Abe will not be anymore the prime minister and will probably be substituted by Aso, a man who declares himself as a manga and anime fan. He reads around 10-20 weekly manga magazines, he did political speeches in Akihabara and he is a Rozen Maiden otaku. He likes so much Rozen Maiden that his nickname is “Rozen Aso”.

Reading Technorati News I found that since yesterday manga and anime business related company stock prices are rising very fast, because having an Otaku prime minister is good news for them. Examples of manga and anime related companies benefiting from “good” political news are: Mandarake, Ghibli, Kodansha, Shueisha, Bandai, Toei animation, Gentousha etc. An otaku is gonna govern the second most rich country in the world!

“Rozen Aso” will probably be the next prime minister in Japan.


Batteries recharged with water

Ciro Altabás sent me a link about a Japanese company that is selling urine rechargeable batteries. This thing about the urine is a false rumor, the batteries are rechargeable with WATER, but they could also be filled with any other liquid like for example urine or saliva; that’s why urine “false”/exaggerated rumors appeared. In many blogs and news sites it is so exaggerated you could think that nowadays Japanese people are peeing on their digital cameras in order to recharge them.

The batteries are called NoPoPo, they can be found in packs with 2 batteries and a water filling adapter. The batteries keep their charge during 10 years and can be recharged around five times until the carbon and magnesium they have inside is depleted. The NoPoPo batteries are environmentally friendly, no mercury or any other contaminant components.

Liquid rechargeable batteries.