I’ve been some years learning Japanese, during the learning process I’m using many tools, tutorials, resources I found on the net. In this post I will list which I consider the best bookmarks everyone should know if you are in the process of learning Japanese.
- Guidetojapanese: the best web I know to learn the basic Japanese grammar. The author uses a very clear and direct style.
- Jgram: is a big grammar database/dictionary.
- Alc: the best Japanese-English dictionary. It’s based on the commercial dictionary called EIJIRO.
- EDICT: is the one I use everyday.
- Goo: used by many Japanese, has many search options and examples with each result.
- Ruigo: Japanese thesaurus.
- Kanjisite: there are only around 1.000 kanjis but I love the simple interface and the selected words for each kanji
- JapaneseKanji.com: this is the best site/application to learn kanji on the net that I know.
- Kanji practice: this one has even videos showing the correct calligraphy for each character.
- Kanjiaday: one kanji featured each day.
- Mlc: web with many PDFs with exercises.
- Manythings: lots of links a great resources, it includes a vocabulary lists for JLPT
- Pera pera penguin: advanced lessons greatly edited.
- Japanesepoc101: Japanese with podcasts.
- Mahalo: Β‘more links!.
- Rikai: one of the greatest tools that I know, it will help you to read Japanese because it adds furingana and extra information to the kanjis on the websites you visit. Download this add-on for Firefox
Which are your favorite sites to learn Japanese and languages in general?