
Japanese bookmarks

I’ve been some years learning Japanese, during the learning process I’m using many tools, tutorials, resources I found on the net. In this post I will list which I consider the best bookmarks everyone should know if you are in the process of learning Japanese.


  • Guidetojapanese: the best web I know to learn the basic Japanese grammar. The author uses a very clear and direct style.
  • Jgram: is a big grammar database/dictionary.


  • Alc: the best Japanese-English dictionary. It’s based on the commercial dictionary called EIJIRO.
  • EDICT: is the one I use everyday.
  • Goo: used by many Japanese, has many search options and examples with each result.
  • Ruigo: Japanese thesaurus.


  • Kanjisite: there are only around 1.000 kanjis but I love the simple interface and the selected words for each kanji
  • this is the best site/application to learn kanji on the net that I know.
  • Kanji practice: this one has even videos showing the correct calligraphy for each character.
  • Kanjiaday: one kanji featured each day.


Which are your favorite sites to learn Japanese and languages in general?


Bush vs Takeshi Kitano and Hard Gay

A while ago, Takeshi Kitano did a special TV show about the one he did in the 80s and 90s called “Owarai Ultra Quiz”. In the show there is George Bush launching missiles to Takeshi, Hard Gay and other Japanese comedians using a satellite. Watch the video, it’s surrealistic.

JapaneseIdols Videogames

Tokyo Game Show girls

I’ve been four times at Tokyo Game Show, and I’m starting to think that the “TGS girls” are more important than the video games. In fact, I’m sure there were more girls than video games during the last Tokyo Game Show two weeks ago. If you don’t believe me look at the pictures, I like the girls explaining to the people how to play some Wii games… I would not be able to concentrate in the game πŸ˜‰

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tgs girls japanesegirls tokyogameshow2007 tokyogameshow tgs2007

If you want more here you have the girls from last year.