
Railways maintenance

They are the group of workers who I see every month checking the railway in front of my home. They check every single centimeter and take care that every stone is in its place. The service is not stopped during the maintenance, they just work when there are no trains so they have to stop and move to one side every two or three minutes, hard work! They guy with the flag has to tell everyone when the train is coming.



Japanese railways is one of the things I would like to have everywhere in the world. It works so perfectly and there are trains almost from everywhere to everywhere.


Musashi Miyamoto

Miyamoto Musashi (1584? – 1645), is one of the most well know samurai ever. We already known him from Heroes, but let’s see more in detail who he was.

He started his “career” as a samurai when he fought at Sekigahara’s Battle, one of the most important battles in Japanese history. Miyamoto’s people lost the battle but he managed to survive and start a life dedicated to the katana and the “bushido” (The way of the warrior). He wandered many years all around Japan, he fought many people, the legend says that he had more than 60 duels and he was never defeated. When he was old, he developed his own fighting style and he even wrote books about “the way of the warrior”, the most famous of them is called “The book of the five rings”.

There are many films about Miyamoto Musashi, the character Haohmaru from Samurai Shodown is based on Musashi, the games for PS and PS2 Brave Fencer Musashi and Musashi Samurai legend are based on Musashi’s life, the manga Vagabond also, etc.

But the best source I’ve ever found is the novel called Musashi by Eiji Yoshikawa written 100 years ago. It’s a huge book (around 1.000 pages) about Musashi Miyamoto’s life, it’s fiction but there are many things based on real facts. Reading it you’ll learn not only about Musashi Miyamoto’s life but also about how Japanese people lived on those times, how philosophical an religious influences from China were affecting Japan and so on. I might seem difficult to read, but it isn’t! Here you can read the first pages. I consider this book a MUST!


Musashi from Eiji Yoshikawa


Artistic lunch boxes

“Bento” in Japanese means “lunchbox”. “Bento” can be prepared by oneself at home or you can buy it already prepared in “bento” shops or in convinience stores. A typical “bento” has a white rice, pickles and a “main dish”. The way you fit the food inside the “bento” is very important and some people take it so seriously that it can become an art, take a look:

I can see a Nekobus!




Bill Gates is a bento!

They should update this one to Vista.

These pictures are NOT mine, a got them from this Japansugoi entry.