
Virtual Fitting Room

Does someboody know what company is developing the following “magic mirror”? It seems that some people has started spotting them at some shops in Omotesando, but I still don’t know where exactly.

Virtual fitting room

Via: imgur.


Hoverboard By Lexus

Lexus (Toyota) has just launched this teaser video to show an hoverboard similar to those that appeared on Back to the Future. It looks like magic but it’s just the meissner effect in action. The surface looks like concrete but it isn’t.

Toyota is promising to explain how it works in the official website of the project.



Tama The Cat Dies

Tama the cat is probably the most famous cat in Japan. So popular that her recent death just after turning 16 years old has been important news in Asahi, one of the most read newspapers here.

Tama was an abandoned cat that used to live around the Kishi station in Wakayama. With the passing of time the neighbors liked her so much that in 2007 they made her the “Station Chief”. The station was remodeled with a cat shape and the trains were decorated with Tama drawings.

Since Tama became the station chief, the amount of travellers has risen and the economy of the area has improved. After her death, probably one of her two assistant cats Miko or Chibi will replace her as the station chief.

tama the cat

tama the cat

tama the cat

tama the cat

tama the cat

tama the cat

tama the cat

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