
Recovering fallen objects from train tracks

I’ve always loved the silhouettes in this sign that can be seen in some train stations here in Tokyo. It is a train station employee using a long stick to help a girl recover her hat from the train track.


This is a video in which I capture the full process of fallen object recovery.

How about just using a pokéball? 😉



Japanese sweet

Japanese sweets keep fascinating me. It is more about the wrapping, the colours and the shape than the flavour. Each unit feels special. I got this sweet from a colleague who travelled to Kaga.

Buying a present (Omiyage お土産) for the colleagues in your team at work when travelling is a very ingrained tradition in Japan. It doesn’t need to be something special, it is ok to just bring one cookie or sweet for each member. I have the feeling that the main purpose of this omiyage tradition is to help make small-talk in the office. The act of giving a cookie to each of the people working with you is an opportunity to talk about things unrelated to work.

Japanese sweets IMG_0525 IMG_0521


Japan popular brands map

I love this map that shows a map of Japan with the logos of many of its top brands at the location where the headquarters are. Notice how most of them cluster around Tokyo and Osaka, and car manufacturers are around Aichi. Nothing in Shikoku? I love discovering that Hudson (Takahashi Meijin) is in Hokkaido 🙂
