
Wadaiko Yamato

Wadaiko Yamato is the name of a Japanese music group that uses taikos as their main instrument. Wadaiko (和太鼓) means “Japanese drum” and Yamato is the former name of Nara, the capital of Japan in the past. The band has been active for 20years, and it is still popular in Germany and Switzerland where this year they will play in different cities. In Tokyo they will play in September.

With this video you can have an idea of what they are able to do with some taikos, impressive!

Official website: Yamato Wadaiko


Sand Nausicaä Omu

If you are bored this summer at the beach, try building an Omu! 🙂

Here’s a more realistic Omu, in the backyard of a house.


Japanese Sleeping – 12

It’s been almost one year since the last edition of the Japanese sleeping series. It was already time for a new post! As always with all my respect and affection to the Japanese people, after so many years in Japan I also enjoy taking power naps in public places!

japanese people sleeping in public

japanese people sleeping in public

japanese people sleeping in public

japanese people sleeping in public

japanese people sleeping in public

japanese people sleeping in public

japanese sleeping

japanese sleeping

japanese sleeping

japanese sleeping

japanese sleeping

japanese sleeping

japanese sleeping

japanese sleeping

japanese sleeping

japanese sleeping

Old posts of Japanese people sleeping: